Le Légendaire festival Les Rencontres du Légendaire

Name:Le Légendaire festival Les Rencontres du Légendaire


Region:Centre-Val de Loire

About:A festival of tales and legends with a mission of cultural and artistic action in the community, promoting access to the oral and written literary heritage.

Periodicity:Twice a Year

Event organizer 1:Cie Hamsa

Event organizer 2:Ligue de l’enseignement d’Eure-et-Loir

Place of celebration:Salle Itinérant in 11 communes of the Eure-et-Loir, public space, library, auditorium, etc.

Celebration date:October and November

Duration:2 Months


Telephone:06 95 78 75 93


Year of first edition:2000

Location:48.48099388964318, 1.3900474242218976