City/Town:?eský Krumlov

Name of the place:?eský Krumlov Castle; Dlouhá street, etc.

Country:Czech Republic

Province/Département:?eský Krumlov

Region:Jiho?eský kraj (South Bohemian Region)

Number of inhabitants:12

Town's coat of arms:

Location:48.815821980614174, 14.317508174986935

Reasons for its inclusion:There are lots of legends linked to the town: the White Lady of the Castle; the miracolous healer called Annabella who lived in Dlouhá street; the legend of stone brothers; about vodníks (water spirits) and dwarves

Objects:a portrait of the White Lady Perchta in the Castle

Related stories or tales:The Legend of the White Lady Perchta of Rožmberk
