Institute for Language and Folklore

Name:Institute for Language and Folklore


About:The Institute for Language and Folklore is responsible for language planning and disseminating knowledge about languages, dialects, folklore, names and intangible cultural heritage in Sweden

Entity Type:Swedish government agency 

Address:Box 135, 751 04 Uppsala




Location:59.85882 , 17.63889

History:In June 2006 the Swedish government decided to centralize the Swedish language preservation institutes, starting on the July 1, 2006. The former name, Swedish Institute for Dialectology, Onomastics and Folklore Research (Swedish: Språk- och folkminnesinstituet) was changed to the current name.

Other activities:The institute is, among other things, responsible for the ongoing publication of Sveriges ortnamn (a dictionary of all Swedish placenames) and  Sveriges medeltida personnamn (a dictionary of medieval Swedish personal names).

Others:The institute consists of several, originally independent, units, located in different Swedish university towns