Festivalul Na?ional al Ou?lor Încondeiate

Name:Festivalul Na?ional al Ou?lor Încondeiate


Region:Suceava County - Bucovina

About:The National Easter Eggs Festival takes place every year, during two days and it’s dedicated to the art of egg decoration. Taking place in Ciocanesti, the village of the Painted Eggs Museum, the festival is an opportunity for local and international artists to display their talent in decorating Easter eggs. The event includes an international competition, a local artisans’ market, a fair of decorated eggs and a concert of traditional music.


Event organizer 1:Consiliul Judetean Suceava

Event organizer 2:Consiliul Local Ciocanesti

Event organizer 3:Centrul Cultural Bucovina

Place of celebration:Ciocanesti

Celebration date:Near Easter

Duration:2 Days


Year of first edition:2005

