Festival Ahoz- Aho

Festival Ahoz- Aho

Name:Festival Ahoz- Aho

Municipality:Tolosa y Ordizia

Region:Guipúzcoa (País Vasco)

About:A storytelling festival which aim is to highlight and promote the Basque oral tradition. Also, they want to be a meeting point for storytellers and to train new vasque artists.


Event organizer 1:Beatriz Larrañaga (Intujai Teatro)

Event organizer 2:May Gorostiaga (Intujai Teatro)

Place of celebration:Theatres, cultural centres, libraries, schools, self-managed spaces, neighbourhood associations, hotels and street establishments in Tolosa, Ordizia and other neighbouring Basque towns.

Celebration date:March

Duration:A month




Year of first edition:2008

Photos:https://www.naiz.eus/media/asset_publics/resources/000/775/328/original/ahoz_aho.jpg, http://intujaiteatro.blogspot.com/, https://www.facebook.com/intujai.teatro/

Videos:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERFZSNni0oY&ab_channel=GipuzkoaKultura, AHOZ AHO 2012 (Intujai Teatro), http://www.gitb.eus/azken-berriak/15852-badator-ahoz-aho-narrazio-jaialdia