European Network of Storytelling Sites and Towns

European Network of Storytelling Sites and Towns (ENSST) aims to bring together all those places in Europe that have a strong relationship with storytelling and storytelling


Fostering a sense of belonging to a common political structure among EU countries through knowledge of their intangible oral heritage.

Contributing to Europe's cultural and linguistic diversity through the safeguarding, study, spreading and exchange of an intangible oral heritage transmitted from generation to generation, including that from citizens who have come to Europe from all over the world.

Promoting the research common features on oral storytelling traditions in EU countries, as well as the particularities of each country, thus opening up an intercultural dialogue leading to respect for other ways of life and other cultures.

Interconnecting European sites and cities that are involved in one way or another way to oral storytelling, providing them the possibility to develop economically through this branch of culture.  

Promoting cultural and creative sectors as key drivers for boosting quality tourism and the regional, local and urban development across Europe, while maintaining the European competitiveness.

Encouraging participation in specific European programmes.

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 Storytelling towns

The first step in building a strong network is to know where its potential members are. That is why the first thing the ENSST network has produced is the Storytelling Places map, which presents an overview of European places related to storytelling.

If you are a Storytelling Town and do not see yourself represented on the map, please contact ENSST.




What is a storytelling site?